
Showing posts from January, 2022

Global Trends for Wedding You Should Know About

The year after pandemic leads and sets the tone to see many odds and obstruction in daily activities of day-to-day life and uncertainty in this pandemic leads us to change or amend our plan as per the new guidelines issued by the concerned authority in the surge of covid cases. At this time the wedding planner is a bit busy to keep everything in their mind and all resources ready to deal in any moment with any adverse situation. Wedding planners are the man who keeps you updated about the current global trends in wedding. The couples along with the marriage organizer are busy deciding the plan to bypass the covid restrictions with alternative legal ways to do not ruin their moments of celebrations by following the mandatory covid protocols to complete the wedding. As one of the responsible and prominent wedding planners in Delhi let's discuss the current global trends and practices in the wedding. Eco-friendly Wedding Practices As we grow and become conscious of natural and c